var gpxParse = require("../"), GpxResult = gpxParse.GpxResult, GpxWaypoint = gpxParse.GpxWaypoint, GpxExtent = gpxParse.GpxExtent, GpxMetaData = gpxParse.GpxMetaData, GpxRoute = gpxParse.GpxRoute, GpxTrack = gpxParse.GpxTrack; module.exports = { setUp: function(callback) { callback(); }, tearDown: function(callback) { // clean up callback(); }, "Test that the gpx result class can be initialized": function(test) { var gpxResult = null, waypoints = [], extent = new GpxExtent(1, 2, 3, 4), routes = [ [] ], tracks = [], links = [], metadata = new GpxMetaData("creator", "2002-02-27T17:18:33Z", extent, "name", "desc", "author", "copyright", links, "keywords"); gpxResult = new GpxResult(metadata, waypoints, routes, tracks); test.equal(gpxResult.metadata.creator, "creator"); test.equal(gpxResult.metadata.time.getTime(), 1014830313000); test.equal(gpxResult.metadata.bounds.minx, "1"); test.done(); }, "Should be able to create an instance of the metadata class": function(test) { var extent = new GpxExtent(1, 2, 3, 4), links = [""]; var metadata = new GpxMetaData("creator", "2002-02-27T17:18:33Z", extent, "name", "desc", "author", "copyright", links, "keywords"); test.equal(metadata.creator, "creator"); test.equal(metadata.time.getTime(), 1014830313000); test.equal(metadata.bounds.minx, 1); test.equal(, "name"); test.equal(metadata.description, "desc"); test.equal(, "author"); test.equal(metadata.copyright, "copyright"); test.equal(metadata.links.length, 1); test.equal(metadata.links[0], ""); test.equal(metadata.keywords, "keywords"); test.done(); }, "Test that the gpxWaypoint can be initialized": function(test) { var gpxPoint = new GpxWaypoint(1, 2, 3, "2002-02-27T17:18:33Z",1,1,"name","cmt", "description"); test.equal(, 1); test.equal(gpxPoint.lon, 2); test.equal(gpxPoint.elevation, 3); test.equal(gpxPoint.time.getTime(),1014830313000 ); test.equal(, "name"); test.equal(gpxPoint.cmt, "cmt"); test.equal(gpxPoint.description, "description"); test.done(); }, "Test that the gpxRoute can be initialized": function(test) { var gpxRoute = new GpxRoute("name", "cmt", "description", [new GpxWaypoint(1, 2), new GpxWaypoint(3, 4)]); test.equal(, "name"); test.equal(gpxRoute.cmt, "cmt"); test.equal(gpxRoute.description, "description"); test.done(); }, "Test that the gpxTrack can be initialized": function(test) { var gpxTrack = new GpxTrack([[new GpxWaypoint(1, 2), new GpxWaypoint(3, 4)],[new GpxWaypoint(5, 6), new GpxWaypoint(7, 8)]], "name"); test.equal(, "name"); test.equal(gpxTrack.segments.length, 2); test.equal(gpxTrack.segment(0).length, 2); test.done(); }, "Test that the gpxExtent can be initialized": function(test) { var gpxExtent = new GpxExtent(1, 2, 3, 4); test.equal(gpxExtent.minx, 1); test.equal(gpxExtent.miny, 2); test.equal(gpxExtent.maxx, 3); test.equal(gpxExtent.maxy, 4); test.done(); } };