module('utils'); // for the tests, all hammer properties and methods of Hammer are exposed to window.$H test('get/set prefixed util', function() { ok(_.isUndefined($H.prefixed(window, 'FakeProperty')), 'non existent property returns undefined'); window.webkitFakeProperty = 1337; ok($H.prefixed(window, 'FakeProperty') == 'webkitFakeProperty', 'existent prefixed property returns the prefixed name'); delete window.webkitFakeProperty; }); test('fnBind', function() { var context = { a: true }; $H.bindFn(function(b) { ok(this.a === true, 'bindFn scope'); ok(b === 123, 'bindFn argument'); }, context)(123); }); test('Inherit objects', function() { function Base() { = true; } function Child() {; } $H.inherit(Child, Base, { newMethod: function() { } }); var inst = new Child(); ok( == true, 'child has extended from base'); ok(inst.newMethod, 'child has a new method'); ok(Child.prototype.newMethod, 'child has a new prototype method'); ok(inst instanceof Child, 'is instanceof Child'); ok(inst instanceof Base, 'is instanceof Base'); ok(inst._super === Base.prototype, '_super is ref to prototype of Base'); }); test('toArray', function() { ok(_.isArray($H.toArray({ 0: true, 1: 'second', length: 2 })), 'converted an array-like object to an array'); ok(_.isArray($H.toArray([true, true])), 'array stays an array'); }); test('inArray', function() { ok($H.inArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 'hammer'], 'hammer') === 4, 'found item and returned the index'); ok($H.inArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 'hammer'], 'notfound') === -1, 'not found an item and returned -1'); ok($H.inArray([ {id: 2}, {id: 24} ], '24', 'id') === 1, 'find by key and return the index'); ok($H.inArray([ {id: 2}, {id: 24} ], '22', 'id') === -1, 'not found by key and return -1'); }); test('splitStr', function() { deepEqual($H.splitStr(' a b c d '), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'str split valid'); }); test('uniqueArray', function() { deepEqual($H.uniqueArray([ {id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 2} ], 'id'), [ {id: 1}, {id: 2} ], 'remove duplicate ids') }); test('boolOrFn', function() { equal($H.boolOrFn(true), true, 'Passing an boolean'); equal($H.boolOrFn(false), false, 'Passing an boolean'); equal($H.boolOrFn(function() { return true; }), true, 'Passing an boolean'); equal($H.boolOrFn(1), true, 'Passing an integer'); }); test('hasParent', function() { var parent = document.createElement('div'), child = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(parent); parent.appendChild(child); equal($H.hasParent(child, parent), true, 'Found parent'); equal($H.hasParent(parent, child), false, 'Not in parent'); document.body.removeChild(parent); }); test('each', function() { var object = { hi: true }; var array = ['a', 'b', 'c']; var loop; loop = false; $H.each(object, function(value, key) { if (key == 'hi' && value === true) { loop = true; } }); ok(loop, 'object loop'); loop = 0; $H.each(array, function(value, key) { if (value) { loop++; } }); ok(loop == 3, 'array loop'); loop = 0; array.forEach = null; $H.each(array, function(value, key) { if (value) { loop++; } }); ok(loop == 3, 'array loop without Array.forEach'); }); test('assign', function() { expect(2); deepEqual( $H.assign( {a: 1, b: 3}, {b: 2, c: 3} ), {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, 'Simple extend' ); var src = { foo: true }; var dest = $H.assign({}, src); = false; deepEqual(dest, {foo: true}, 'Clone reference'); }); test('test add/removeEventListener', function() { function handleEvent() { ok(true, 'triggered event'); } expect(2); $H.addEventListeners(window, 'testEvent1 testEvent2 ', handleEvent); utils.triggerDomEvent(window, 'testEvent1'); utils.triggerDomEvent(window, 'testEvent2'); $H.removeEventListeners(window, ' testEvent1 testEvent2 ', handleEvent); utils.triggerDomEvent(window, 'testEvent1'); utils.triggerDomEvent(window, 'testEvent2'); });