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<h1 class="page-title">Source: gpx-parse.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>/**
* @module gpx-parse
var assert = require("assert"),
fs = require("fs"),
url = require("url"),
http = require("http"),
https = require("https"),
GpxResult = require('./gpxResult'),
GpxExtent = require('./gpxExtent'),
GpxWaypoint = require('./gpxWaypoint'),
GpxTrack = require('./gpxTrack'),
GpxMetaData = require('./gpxMetaData'),
GpxRoute = require('./gpxRoute'),
geomUtils = require('./geomUtils');
* Parses the waypoints into an array of waypoints.
var _getWayPoints = function(gpxWaypoints) {
var waypoints = [],
currentWaypoint = null,
point = null;
if (gpxWaypoints !== null && gpxWaypoints !== undefined) {
//grab waypoints
for (var i = 0, il = gpxWaypoints.length; i &lt; il; i++) {
currentWaypoint = gpxWaypoints[i];
point = new GpxWaypoint(currentWaypoint.$.lat, currentWaypoint.$.lon, currentWaypoint.ele, currentWaypoint.time);
return waypoints;
* Parses routes into an array of route objects
var _getRoutes = function(gpxRoutes) {
//grab routes
var routes = [],
route = null;
if (gpxRoutes !== null && gpxRoutes !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0, il = gpxRoutes.length; i &lt; il; i++) {
//clear out route points
var routePoints = [],
currentRoute = gpxRoutes[i];
for (var j = 0, jl = currentRoute.rtept.length; j &lt; jl; j++) {
routePoints.push(new GpxWaypoint(currentRoute.rtept[j].$.lat, currentRoute.rtept[j].$.lon));
route = new GpxRoute(, gpxRoutes.cmt, gpxRoutes.desc, routePoints);
return routes;
var _getTracks = function(gpxTracks) {
//grab tracks
var tracks = [];
for (var i = 0, il = gpxTracks.length; i &lt; il; i++) {
var trackSegments = [],
currentTrack = gpxTracks[i],
trackName = null;
if ( {
trackName =[0];
for (var j = 0, jl = currentTrack.trkseg.length; j &lt; jl; j++) {
var trackSegement = [],
currentSegment = currentTrack.trkseg[j],
for (var k = 0, kl = currentSegment.trkpt.length; k &lt; kl; k++) {
var trackPoint = currentSegment.trkpt[k],
elevation = trackPoint.ele;
time = trackPoint.hasOwnProperty('time') ? trackPoint.time :null;
trackSegement.push(new GpxWaypoint(trackPoint.$.lat, trackPoint.$.lon, elevation, time));
tracks.push(new GpxTrack(trackSegments, trackName));
return tracks;
* Parses v1.0 data into data structure
var _ParseV10 = function(gpx) {
var extent = null,
metadata = null;
extent = new GpxExtent();
metadata = new GpxMetaData(gpx.$.creator, gpx.time, extent);
return new GpxResult(metadata, _getWayPoints(gpx.wpt), _getRoutes(gpx.rte), _getTracks(gpx.trk));
var _ParseV11 = function(gpx) {
var metadata,
if (gpx.metadata && gpx.metadata[0]) {
if (gpx.metadata[0].time) {
time = gpx.metadata[0].time[0];
metadata = new GpxMetaData(gpx.$.creator, time);
} else {
metadata = new GpxMetaData();
return new GpxResult(metadata, _getWayPoints(gpx.wpt), _getRoutes(gpx.rte), _getTracks(gpx.trk));
* Parses gpx passed in as String
* @param {string} gpxString gpxData passed in as string
* @param {gpxParseCompleteCallback} callback Callback function to call when parse has completed.
exports.parseGpx = function(gpxString, callback) {
var parseString = require('xml2js').parseString,
gpxResult = null,
version = null;
parseString(gpxString, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
callback(error, null);
version = data.gpx.$.version;
if (version === "1.0") {
gpxResult = _ParseV10(data.gpx);
} else if (version === "1.1") {
gpxResult = _ParseV11(data.gpx);
} else {
callback(new Error("version not supported"), null);
callback(null, gpxResult);
* Parse gpx from a file
* @param {string} gpxFile Path to gpx file you want to parse
* @param {gpxParseCompleteCallback} callback Callback function to call when parse has completed.
exports.parseGpxFromFile = function(gpxFile, callback) {
fs.readFile(gpxFile, function(error, file) {
if (error) {
callback(error, null);
exports.parseGpx(file, callback);
* Fetch a remote GPX file via HTTP(S) and parse it.
* @param {string} uri The URI of the remote gpx file.
* @param {gpxParseCompleteCallback} callback Callback function to call when parse has completed.
exports.parseRemoteGpxFile = function parseRemoteGpxFile (uri, callback) {
assert.equal(typeof uri, 'string', 'uri should be a string');
assert.equal(typeof callback, 'function', 'callback should be a function');
function onError (err) {
return callback(new Error('failed to fetch gpx file: ' + err.toString()));
function onResponse (res) {
var body = '';
res.on('data', function (data) {
body = body + data;
res.once('end', function () {
exports.parseGpx(body, callback);
(('https:' === url.parse(uri).protocol) ? https : http)
.get(uri, onResponse)
.once('error', onError);
//expose objects
exports.GpxResult = GpxResult;
exports.GpxExtent = GpxExtent;
exports.GpxWaypoint = GpxWaypoint;
exports.GpxTrack = GpxTrack;
exports.GpxMetaData = GpxMetaData;
exports.GpxRoute = GpxRoute;
exports.utils = geomUtils;
* Callback when gpx result has been processed.
* @callback gpxParseCompleteCallback
* @param {Object} error If an error has occurred the error otherwise null
* @param {GpxResult} response The parsed gpx file object
<h2><a href="index.html">Index</a></h2><h3>Modules</h3><ul><li><a href="module-geomutils.html">geomutils</a></li><li><a href="module-gpx-parse.html">gpx-parse</a></li></ul><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="GpxExtent.html">GpxExtent</a></li><li><a href="GpxMetaData.html">GpxMetaData</a></li><li><a href="GpxResult.html">GpxResult</a></li><li><a href="GpxRoute.html">GpxRoute</a></li><li><a href="GpxTrack.html">GpxTrack</a></li><li><a href="GpxWaypoint.html">GpxWaypoint</a></li></ul><h3><a href="global.html">Global</a></h3>
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Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3.2.2</a> on Wed Aug 13 2014 09:19:33 GMT+0100 (BST)
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